
Our Governing Body

The Trafalgar Schools' Federation Governing Body, is a team of individuals drawn from different sections of our community – Headteacher, a Staff Governor, an LA nominated Governor, two Parent Governors elected by the parents of the two Trafalgar Schools and Co-Opted Governors from the local community.

Governors are the strategic leaders of the school and have overall responsibility for the way a school is run. We promote the highest standards for all the pupils, help to set the overall aims and objectives and monitor the Federation's progress towards achieving them. Governors form a management committee to support and challenge the Headteacher by asking difficult questions, seeking information and providing constructive criticism.

Overall the three key roles for Governors are - Overseeing the financial performance of the two schools and making sure money is well spent. Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the two schools and their pupils. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.

We have a statutory duty to publish information about each Governor. This information can be found on the Governance pages of the two respective school websites.

Governing Body Vacancies

Trafalgar Schools' Federation is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

Any vacancies on the Governing Body will be advertised on the Governance pages of the two school specific websites.


Our School Governors

Parent Governors are elected by parents with children at either of the Trafalgar schools for a 4 year term of office.

The Staff Governor is elected by the staff of both Trafalgar schools for a 4 year term of office.

Co-Opted Governors are appointed by the Governing Body for a 4 year term of office.

The LA Governor is nominated by the Local Authority and appointed by the Governing Body for a 4 year term of office.


Sub-Committees of the Governing Body

The Full Governing Body (FGB) meets at least four times each year. In order that issues such as finance, building maintenance, health and safety, data protection, special educational needs, safeguarding, staffing, pupils' welfare and the monitoring of development in learning and teaching are addressed, the Governing Body divides into sub-committees. Each Governor is a member of at least one of the following sub-committees.

  • Teaching, Learning and Assessment (TL&A)
  • Finance & Resources (F&R)
  • Pupils, Parents  and Community (PPC)
  • Pay

You can find more information about our governors on the two school specific websites

If you would like to contact the Governing Body please email

If you have a concern or complaint regarding either school please see our Complaints Policy on the policies pages of the two school websites.