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Trafalgar Schools Federation


Trafalgar Schools’ Federation (TSF) is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

TSF has a duty to ensure that all parents understand our responsibility to safeguard the wellbeing of all pupils and that this responsibility requires us to have Safeguarding including child protection procedures including online safety. As part of these procedures the school can make a direct referral to the statutory child welfare agencies including the Police and/or Social Services without involving the parents if they have concerns about the safety of any child.

Mrs. Keefe (Headteacher) is the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Mr. Allen and Mrs. Burton  (Deputy Headteachers), and Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Gale  (SenCos ) are the Deputy DSLs. Mr. Hutchins (Governor) is the Nominated Governor for Safeguarding.

If you have any concerns about the welfare of children in our school please share those concerns with us. Please leave a message with the school office or telephone the main school number on 020 8894 5729.

Out of Hours/School Holidays

If you want to speak to someone about a safeguarding concern out of school hours or during the holidays then please contact the Richmond Single Point of Access (SPA) using the contact details below:

Call 020 8547 5008 from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, or 020 8770 5000 out of hours.

Or call 999 if you think a child or young person is in immediate danger.

You can access the latest version of our Safeguarding Policy inc Child Protection from our Policies page

Useful Links:

Refuge – National Domestic Abuse Helpline

Getting Help for Domestic Violence

Mental Health Foundation

Mind – Richmond

Anna Freud – National Centre for Children and Families
