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Trafalgar Schools Federation


 At Trafalgar Schools’ Federation, Personal, Health, Social and Economic (PHSE) education is delivered through the Jigsaw Scheme of Work which provides a mindful, progressive approach.

The aim of the scheme is to teach children to navigate their emotions, develop their social skills and foster their spiritual development. Each block of the Jigsaw curriculum is represented by a puzzle piece. All year groups follow the same six ‘puzzles’ throughout the school year which ensure progression in an age-appropriate way. These are:

1.       Being Me in My World
2.       Celebrating Difference
3.       Dreams and Goals
4.       Healthy Me
5.       Relationships
6.       Changing Me (including age-appropriate Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education)

PSHE sessions include a range of activities including games, discussions and circle times, as well as ‘calm me’ time.