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Trafalgar Schools Federation


 At Trafalgar Schools’ Federation we are passionate about the importance of PE and the benefits it provides for all of our children.  We follow a PE scheme (GetSet4PE) across the federation that ensures we develop the necessary fundamental knowledge, understanding and skills required to develop as healthy, active individuals. PE is taught by staff, our school sports coach and external experts.

In additional to our PE curriculum our Year 2 children have a half term block of swimming lessons and we offer a wide range of active clubs for our children to take part in. We also encourage our pupils to be active during break times with access to a variety of different equipment and the use of our climbing frame, trim trails and outdoor Zumba sessions.

Taking part in local competitions is an important part of our active approach to school life and our pupils are proud to represent their school at these events.  

P.E forms part of the Physical area of learning within the EYFS curriculum.