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Trafalgar Schools Federation


Governing Body Statement

Trafalgar Infant & Junior Schools are community schools belonging to Trafalgar Schools’ Federation (TSF). 

The TSF Governing Body is a team of volunteers drawn from different sections of our community – Headteacher, staff and parents from the two Trafalgar schools and local community members & Local Authority staff from London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames.

The Federation Governors have a variety of duties and responsibilities set out by law. We are not responsible for the day-to-day running of the two schools, this is the job of the Headteacher and the senior leadership team, but we do set policies, make plans and monitor results and we work in a close partnership with them.

The areas of work that we are involved with include education development plans, target setting, complaint handling, performance reviews, appointment of staff and budget spending. We work to provide an environment which will give the best possible education for all the pupils in the school.

The Governing Body provides strategic leadership for the two schools and have overall responsibility for the way they are run. We promote the highest standards for all the pupils, help to set the overall aims and objectives and monitor the school’s progress towards achieving them. Governors support and challenge the Headteacher by asking difficult questions, seeking information and providing constructive criticism.

Governing Body Vacancies

 We are currently looking to recruit a Clerk to Governors. Please use the link below to apply and also see the application pack for more information about the role. 

Clerk Application Packe-Teach advert for Clerk

The Role of the Governing Body

Overall, the three key roles for the Governing Body are – setting strategic direction, ensuring accountability, and monitoring and evaluating school performance.

We meet as a full governing body at least four times each year, but most of our work is carried out through our committees.

Each of these deals with a specific area of the schools’ organisation, planning and management.

  • Teaching, Learning and Assessment (TL&A): In partnership with the Headteacher, this committee monitors and evaluates the school’s progress, ensuring that the school is providing every learner with the full statutory curriculum and monitors the outcome of targets set.
  • Finance & Resources (F&R): This committee is tasked with effective management of the financial budget, financial, physical and human resources in accordance with its statutory duties, ensuring that the school provides a safe environment for learning and abides by the school’s Health and Safety policy.
  • Pay Committee: meets in the Autumn term and then, as needed, after the F&R committee, to apply the School Pay Policy.
  • Pupils, Parents & Community (PPC): This committee ensures safeguarding of pupils. It monitors the schools’ engagement with pupils, parents and carers and the wider community.

The Chair of the Governing Body is Sophie Riley.

The Vice Chair of the Governing Body is currently Laura Jennings.

If you would like to contact the Governors please email the school or the Governing Body direct at governors@trafalgarfederation.org.uk.

Governing Body

Cllr Piers Allen - Local Authority Governor

 Nominated by the LA and reappointed by the Governing Body on 28/09/2021 for a term of 4 years. Piers serves on F&R and Pay Committees and is currently Chair for both.

Attendance last year: 7/8 meetings.

Declaration of pecuniary interests: Medical publications consultant. Trustee of Lincoln Ave Estate Residents Assn. Member of: FORCE, Friends of Kneller Gardens, Friends of Twickenham Green, Kingston Hosp Governing Council. LA responsibilities: Richmond Health & Wellbeing board, Adult Social Care, Health & Housing Committee, Twick & Rich Lib Dems, Spouse is a senior medical professional at Guys Hosp. Trustee and Director of The Mulberry Centre West Mid Hospital.

Jane Burton - Co-Opted Governor

 Reappointed by the Governing Body on 12/10/2021 for a second term of 4 years. Jane serves on TL&A and PPC Committees.

Attendance last year: 10/10 meetings

Declarations of pecuniary interests: Is a member of school staff.

Personal Statement: I have been a teacher at Trafalgar Infant School since Sept 2009. Both of my children were pupils at Trafalgar and are now studying at sixth form college and university. I am currently Deputy Head as well as teaching Music across Reception, Y1 and Y2 . I find my work on the Governing body a very interesting and rewarding experience and it provides me with a wider, more strategic view of school life.

Kevin Chung - Co-Opted Governor

Appointed by the Governing Body on 29/09/2020 for a term of 4 years. Kevin serves on TL&A and F&R Committees and is currently chair of TL&A.

Attendance last year: 8/8 meetings.

Declarations of pecuniary interests: Employed by Dukes Education whose clients include schools in the LBRuT. Has children who attend one of the schools.

Vicky Greenaway - Co-Opted Governor

 Appointed by the Governing Body on 19/11/2024 for a term of 4 years. Vicky serves on PPC Committee.

Attendance last year: N/a

Declarations of pecuniary interests: Is employed by Royal Holloway University.

Roger Hutchins - Co-Opted Governor

Appointed by the Governing Body on 21st March 2023 for a term of 4 years.  Roger serves on TL&A Committee.

Attendance last year: 2/2 meetings.

Declarations of pecuniary interest: None registered

Rafina Iqbal - Staff Governor

 Elected by the staff of the two Trafalgar Schools on 11/10/2021 for a term of 4 years. Rafina serves on PPC Committee.

Attendance last year: 7/7 meetings

Declarations of pecuniary interest: None registered.

Laura Jennings - Parent Governor

 Elected by the parents of both schools on 07/12/2021 for a term of 4 years. Laura is Vice Chair of the FGB and also serves on PPC Committee.

Attendance last year: 4/6 meetings.

Declarations of pecuniary interests: None registered

Sarah Keefe - Ex-Officio

 A member of the Governing Body as Ex-Officio by virtue of being Headteacher, having joined the Federation on 1st Sept 2021. Sarah serves on TL&A, PPC, F&R and Pay Committees.

Attendance last year: 13/14 meetings.

Declaration of pecuniary interests: None registered.

Terry Plews - Co-Opted Governor

Appointed by the Governing Body as Co-Opted Governor on on 19/11/2024 for a term of 4 years. Terry serves on F&R Committee.

Attendance last year: N/a

Declaration of pecuniary interests: None registered.

Sophie Riley - Co-Opted Governor

 Appointed by the Governing Body as Co-Opted Governor on 03/03/2022 for a term of 4 years. Sophie is Chair of the FGB and also serves on TL&A Committee.

Attendance last year: N/a

Declarations of pecuniary interests: Has children who attend one of the schools.

Personal Statement: None provided.

Suzie Robinson - Parent Governor

 Elected by the parents of both schools on 10/10/2022 for a term of 4 years. Suzie is serves on PPC Committee and is also Co-Chair of this committee.

Attendance last year: N/a.

Declaration of pecuniary interests: None registered.

Maddy Row - Co-Opted Governor

 Appointed by the Full Governing Body on 13/02/2023 for a term of 4 years. Maddy serves on F&R Committee.

Attendance last year: N/a.

Declaration of pecuniary interests: None registered.

Jamie Allen - Associate Member

 Reappointed by the Governing Body as Associate Member on 26/09/2021 for a term of 4 years. Jamie is Deputy HT  and serves on TL&A Committee to which he has been granted voting rights. 

Attendance last year: N/a

Declarations of Interest: None registered.

Vacancy - Associate Member

 Appointed by the Governing Body as Associate Member on dd/mm/yyyy for a term of 4 years. 

Attendance last year: N/a

Declarations of interest: None registered.

Debbie Staynes - Associate Member

 Appointed by the Governing Body as Associate member on 05/12/2021 for a term of 4 years. Debbie is the Federation Secretary and serves on PPC Committee.

Attendance last year: N/a

Declarations of pecuniary interests: None registered.

Barbara Taylor - Clerk to the Governing Body

 Appointed by the Governing Body on contract since 2016 and ratified annually. Barbara provides clerking services for all the Committee and Full Governing Body meetings.

Governors who have left in the last 12 months

Richard Castle was appointed by the Governing Body on 09/03/2021 for a 4 year term of office. Richard's term of office ended on 08/03/2024.

Buki Braithwaite was reappointed by the Governing Body on 28/09/2021 for a 4 year term of office. Buki resigned on 27/09/2024.

Simon Bradley was reappointed by the Governing Body on 28/09/2021 for a 4 year term of office. Simon resigned on 12//09/2023

Harry Owen was reappointed by the Governing Body on 21/10/2022 for a 4 year term of office. Harry resigned on 12/09/2023.