Behaviour and our Golden Rules
We believe in having high expectations of children’s attitudes towards their learning and their behaviour.
Our Positive Relationships and Behaviour Policy inc. anti-bullying can be found on our Policies Page:Policies page We use our Golden Rules to reinforce our aims in encouraging positive behaviour, which are:
- For learning to be a positive experience for all pupils
- To encourage pupils to respects others and themselves
- To make clear the boundaries of what is acceptable behaviour
- To create an environment which encourages and reinforces good behaviour through consistent and fair responses to both positive and negative behaviour
- Golden Certificates and Tickets are presented in our weekly Golden / Achievement Assemblies
The Golden Rules
At Trafalgar we have a zero-tolerance policy of bullying of any kind. We actively promote values or respect and equality and celebrate diversity across the school. This allows our pupils to become responsible citizens and appreciate modern society when they leave our school.
We define bullying as unkind behaviour from one child to another that is on purpose and on-going. It can happen in person or online. We discuss how bullying typically involves a power balance which can be physical, verbal or social (e.g. excluding someone and encouraging others to do the same. Children are taught that if they experience behaviour the don’t like from others they say “Stop it. I don’t like it”. They then walk away and tell a trusted adult. The children are regularly encouraged to about think who their trusted adult is. We also encourage children to be ‘up standers’ rather than ‘bystanders’.
To encourage positive behaviour, KS2 have Anti-Bullying Ambassadors who are on duty in the playground at lunchtime and easily identifiable. These children are introduced in assembly at the start of the school year and their role is support happy playtimes for all and KS1 have Listening Friends.