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Trafalgar Schools Federation

Art and Design

 At Trafalgar Schools’ Federation we are committed to fostering a love and enthusiasm for Art and Design whilst supporting our children to develop the skills needed to become confident and proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other craft and design techniques. We explore the seven elements of art (shape, pattern, line, texture, colour, space and form) across our Art curriculum and our children will produce creative work by exploring their ideas and recording their experiences. Children are encouraged to draw inspiration from the world around them including our gardening and wooded area. In order to develop as artists we teach our children to evaluate their own work and the work of others in a positive manner, using tier 3 vocabulary associated with the subject. The children use the work of great artists to inspire their own work and explore the historical and cultural development of different art forms.

Art and Design forms part of the Expressive Arts and Design area of learning within the EYFS curriculum. 

KS1 Art and Design